Residents weigh in on controversial vaccine

Fresh concerns have emerged about a highly controversial vaccination programme aimed at preventing the most common sexually transmitted infection – the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

The initiative, which is to be introduced in November, will be administered to minors on a voluntary basis in its initial stage but will become mandatory later on.

But some members of the public are calling for more education on the programme while others have shot it down completely.

“It’s my opinion that all chemicals have side effects once [they are] injected in the body. Somehow, there must be some side effects,” a female caller to the Voice of the People said yesterday.

“I think this should not just come on the people, there should be a level of education about it because a lot of people do not know anything,” another said.

And, according to another, “There will always be someone who is allergic to something or can’t handle something. The point is you can’t wait too long to immunise everybody … if we are going to have better health care we have to go with the facts and be better informed about it.”

Principal of the Golden Grove Primary School Vernest Mack said parents or guardians should have an input in deciding whether or not their children will be accessing the programme, especially in light of the fact that there is inadequate information about the side effects.(The Daily Observer)

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