Tampa Bay group has been saving lives for 30 years

By: Kelly Ring
Christine Bocus is from Trinidad, and is 22 now. When she was 14, she often felt tired and dizzy.

“Actually I just wanted to sleep, sleepiness, tiredness,” Christine said.

Her family took her to the doctor where she was diagnosed with a heart condition. That’s when Heartbeat International came to the rescue.

“They decided to implant a pacemaker to help,” Christine said.

Heartbeat International provides pacemakers to poor countries where people don’t have health insurance. Their mission is now 30 years and has helped more than 14,000 people.

“The hospital and the doctor provide their services for free of charge, and the patient never pays a penny, and they are followed for the rest of their life for their pacemaker therapy,” Dr. Benedict Maniscalco said.

The pacemakers are donated.

“In many countries, there is no insurance plan or safety net for these folks so they would have to come up with the money themselves, which in most of these countries we are in would be virtual impossible,” Dr. Maniscalco said.

Christine’s family did not have a safety net.

Now she’s visiting Tampa to say thanks to Heartbeat International.

“Doesn’t even stop me from doing anything much. I’m not on any medication,” Christine said. “No diet, just going on with everyday life as usual.”

It’s all thanks to a group of loving and caring people.

“We’re changing lives and saving lives around the world,” Dr. Maniscalco said.

A world that is a extending lives thanks to Heartbeat International. (Source Fox News 13)

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