By Caribbean Medical News Staff

Professor Henry Lowe will open Jamaica’s first medical marijuana company this week.

The Jamaican scientist Professor Henry Lowe said that the use of medicinal marijuana was “nothing new, especially in the Netherlands” and that the company will extract the medicinal properties from the addictive elements of marijuana in an effort to make medicinal products. The Jamaica Gleaner reports that Lowe asserts that there are are indications that drugs produced from marijuana could be used to treat psychosis and severe pain, and Professor Lowe further suggested that inroads were being made into the treatment of mid-life crises in men.

He intends to list the company on the Jamaica Stock Exchange.

The possession, trafficking and sale of marijuana are considered illegal in most Caribbean islands and across the world and many people inside and out of Jamaica oppose the use of marijuana in any form. In Jamaica, it is suggested that there is research that shows efficacy in the treatment of pain and glaucoma but this is debatable.

More recently, renowned medical journalist and commentator Dr. Sanja Gupta changed his views on marijuana use when he accepted and announced that he was convinced that medicinal marijuana could be used effectively.

However, those in psychiatry who have seen the negative effects of marijuana use, say that marijuana still has negative effects on the body and mind.

Chronic marijuana use has been shown to have an adverse effect on learning and memory and the structure of the brain which is irreversible. Research also suggests that marijuana was responsible for teenagers losing their IQ by eight points when smoking marijuana and this was not restored. Further, the plant increases the risk of heart attack in the first hour that it is used as a rolled cigarette. Generally, it also increases the heart rate causing problems with heart rhythms. Those who already have heart disease may also exacerbate their problems.

Apart from this, marijuana has been shown to produce a marijuana-induced psychosis which is not easily treated by mere removal of access to marijuana and smokers develop a cough similar to that of one who smokes tobacco. Smoking marijuana also increases the likelihood of accidents and death since motor skills, judgment as well as coordination are all significantly diminished.

Several studies show a connecting between chronic marijuana use and mental illness. High doses of marijuana can produce hallucinations and paranoia and the use of marijuana can worsen psychosis and especially patients with schizophrenia.  Marijuana users also experience depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, personality disturbances and a lack of motivation toward normally rewarding activity. Marijuana use in pregnancy causes serious problems for mother and child and in men; some studies have suggested that there is an increase in testicular cancer.

Lowe indicated that generally much more research has to be done on Marijuana and its usage as a medicinal plant. Several US states have made it legal to purchase and many areas in Europe have decriminalized the use of marijuana.

Professor Lowe also says he plans to list the company on the Jamaica Stock Exchange.

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