Newly released dietary supplement may prevent zika symptoms

Bio-Stasis International has released a dietary supplement product, ViraPress™, a new and effective sublingual tablet that enhances the immune system and may increase protection while reducing or eliminating symptoms from various mosquito borne viral infections such as zika.

Scientific research indicates that some viral infections such as zika, which is linked to Guillain-Barre Syndrome, dengue fever, chikungunya, chicken pox (shingles) and others are associated with a weakened immune system or autoimmune symptoms.
ViraPress sublingual tablets contain a variety of specific modulating immuno-enhancement glycoproteins, also known as cytokines. Glycoproteins may help the regulation of the immune system’s activity against certain mosquito-borne viral infections and autoimmune disorders. ViraPress is a safe, naturally derived dietary supplement which contains cytokines and growth factors commonly found in bovine serum.

Bio-Stasis International’s founder, Larry Griffin, has devoted years to nutritional and immune health research. While searching current research papers for a natural remedy for an incurable form of pulmonary fibrosis, Griffin found that many researchers believe the cause of pulmonary fibrosis may be associated with a compromised immune system. Weakened immune systems and autoimmune disorders are often associated with poor nutrition and declining environmental conditions.

Julie Steenhuysen recently wrote in a Reuters report: “Zika has already been linked with the autoimmune disorder Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which attacks peripheral nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, causing temporary paralysis that can in some cases require patients to rely on respirators for breathing. The new discovery now shows zika may provoke an immune attack on the central nervous system, as well. The findings add to the growing list of neurological damage associated with zika.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) designated zika a public health emergency of international concern on February 1, 2016, an action it has taken only three times before, which paves the way for the mobilization of more funding and manpower to fight the mosquito-borne pathogen spreading explosively through the Americas.

A primary reason noted for rapid spread of the virus is the absence of natural immunity among local populations due to not having been previously exposed to zika. Secondly, the presence of the Aedes mosquitoes in all 61 countries cited is the main vector for Zika transmission. WHO anticipates that zika will continue to spread to countries where Aedes mosquitoes are found.

“ViraPress sublingual tablets contain glycoproteins that may modulate the immune system for protection against viral infections,” explained Griffin, “It is vital to take measures to message one’s immune system in the context of zika outbreaks. At least 13 countries have reported cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome linked with outbreaks of zika. WHO believes that zika is likely the cause. By taking ViraPress sublingual tablets, one may improve resistance to viral infections, such as zika, as well as outbreaks of other viruses on the rise.”

WHO further reported a possible link between zika and microcephaly in newborn babies. Additionally, infection may cause neurologic conditions in infected adults, including cases of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) of zika virus disease is not clear, but is likely to be a few days.

The symptoms are similar to other arbovirus infections such as dengue, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever viruses. Symptoms may include fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache. These symptoms are usually mild and last for two to seven days.

The human immune system is often compromised from a steady use of processed food, poor quality air and use of inadequately clean water. Adverse environmental factors strain the immune system, which may cause susceptibility to viral infections and many autoimmune conditions. ViraPress tablets may provide protection and improve the immune system against mosquito borne viral infections.

Contact Larry Griffin, Bio-Stasis International Inc., USA 951-660-2502,, or visit the Virapress website.

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