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Ministry issues yellow fever advisory update

RESIDENTS OF BARBADOS who are planning travel to Jamaica via Trinidad and Tobago or Guyana are advised that they will require a valid yellow fever certificate to gain entry into that country. A statement from the Ministry of Health today […]

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Health expert wants higher taxes on unhealthy foods

A chronic disease expert is not backing down from her call for higher taxes on unhealthy foods. Director of the Barbados-based Chronic Disease Research Centre, Dr Alafia Samuels said

QEH facing huge lawsuit claims

THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL (QEH) is facing a number of lawsuits which could cost it big bucks. According to the recently released Auditor General’s report, it would cost the

Forte opens stroke injury and wellness rehab Centre in Barbados

He is young, enthusiastic and is seeing clients whose conditions are being reversed with nutrition, a change in lifestyle with a combination of physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Call for UWI ganja research

A GOVERNMENT SENATOR has stopped short of calling for marijuana to be legalised for medicinal purposes, but he chastised the University of the West Indies (UWI) for failing

Region fighting losing battle against zika and other mosquito borne diseases

According to Dr Joy St John, director of surveillance, disease prevention and control at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the region has been “waging a losing battle

Barbadians more open to decriminalization of marijuana

Barbadians are more open to decriminalization of marijuana than they were less than a decade ago. But a significant number of them are still opposed to the move,

New hospital still on

A NEW QUEEN Elizabeth Hospital is still in the Government’s plan, as the search continues for the ideal location. Minister of Health John Boyce said yesterday he and other

Is Barbados the best-kept secret for infertility treatment?

The prevalence of infertility worldwide has increased dramatically due to changing health and lifestyle habits, and an increasing trend among millennials to defer pregnancies until their thirties. And

Barbados New Plan To Treat HIV/AIDS Patients

HIV/AIDS patients in Barbados will soon have greater access to health care. Not only will they be able to receive treatment at the island’s polyclinics, but also greater access

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